CF法兰配件Allectra uses the International System of Stainless Steel CF Flanges bolted together to trap an Oxy的详细信息Allectra uses the International System of Stainless Steel CF Flanges bolted together to trap an Oxygen Free Copper gasket which forms the Vacuum Seal. These CF flanges are bakeable to 450°C and suitable for pressures down to
10-12 mbar. Allectra's CF flanges are compatible with the Varian Conflat® and other manufacturer's flanges for sizes up to DN200CF. Since 2007 the ISO norm ISO3669-2 specifies flanges from 10CF to 400CF. Some non-standardized sizes are still available from various sources. 以上就是北京麦迪森科技有限公司提供的allectra CF法兰配件介绍,关于价格问题可以直接咨询。 |
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